Show Your Child You Care

Saving for your child's education is one of the most important task for every parent while doing financial planning to meet other requirements like buy a car and a house or plan for medical emergencies and retirement.

It is every parent's dream to ensure that their children get the best education from reputed institutes and are free to choose their career options without any financial constraints.


Traditional Child Plans give only 2.8% Returns!

It is scary how many parents buy traditional child plans to secure their children's future which don't even beat inflation @ 7%. This leads to not meeting the future fund requirements as many do not select the right child education plan. On the other hand, a diversified portfolio would ensure enough funds.

A best child plan is one which beats inflation and yields enough funds for a child to think of higher education.

We Make Sure Your Children Have Enough Funds

To be able to select the best investment plan for your child, it is important to have a Financial Advisor guiding you by your side and keeping a close watch on your investment goals. We, at ArthaYantra, believe in connecting all the dots of your finances, consider your expenses, income, assets and liabilities before providing you with a holistic advice. As we understand that in real life, all financial aspects are inter connected. However, while buying a financial product, we do not keep that in mind. Hence it is important to take help from certified professionals.


Want to know why our Portfolios give the best possible returns at the least Risk?

Our Algorithm does more than 15 million simulations to give your fingerprint like portfolio based on your exact risk taking ability. Using Modern Portfolio Theory and Technology we build and manage portfolio that provide best Risk - Rewards Outcome

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